Kin List

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Astor (TLoZ)
Ernest Nightray
Scaramouche (GI)
Sasaran (TBnA)
Iguin (TBNA)
William Shamspeare
Dark Sun Gwyndolin


Enmu (KNY)
Bennett (GI)
Qifrey (TBNA)
Andrew Kreiss
Kite (HxH)
Undertaker (Kuroshitsuji)
Sasara Nurude
Vincent Nightray
Xerxes Break

"Click me, I'm important!"

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Me and my Delusions

I can't officially state that I have psychosis because my doctor doesn’t take mental illnesses seriously and therefore won't refer me for a diagnosis. I’m prone to delusional episodes caused by factors such as sickness, stress, and paranoia. In these episodes I feel detached from myself and use various characters to represent myself. For all intents and purposes I am them.

The following characters are me irl. Please don't separate me from myself.

Kefka Palazzo (FFVI)
Ingo (PKMN)
Testament (GG)
Teacher (VnC)
Naenia (VnC)
Luna (VnC)
Ferid Bathory (OnS)
Rufus Barma (PH)
Antonio (IDV)
Iguin (TBnA)
Limstella (FE)
Floyd Leech (TWST)
Aldrich (DSIII)
Ivan Goncharov (BSD)

Similarly, during episodes I do not recognise myself as human unless stated otherwise. Please do not remind me that I'm human as it can cause further complications.

Do not reality check me unless I ask you to. Instead, please acknowledge me and proceed as usual. Call me by my name, give me the text equivalent of a pat on the head and send me on my way.

If this makes you uncomfortable feel free to softblock, please just let me know beforehand so I don't jump to any wrong conclusions.

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